
6 Feb 2021

At the Pie in the Sky

 It's been some considerable time since I managed to get to to the Pie in The Sky at Cowan on the first Wednesday of the month to see the turnout of cars and bikes but this week I managed it and there were a few cars worth looking at including a wonderful drophead Bristol and a superb Alvis. The paint on the Bristol is a wonder to behold. Black is the worst colour for showing imperfections and the Bristol had paint like glass. How much rubbing down how and how many coats went into achieving that finish?


1 comment:

  1. Jonh, the Pie in the Sky reminds me of my own beloved Brooklands in Weybridge. Whenever I visit (in better times) there is a collection of wonderful cars parked for the day in front of the clubhouse by their proud owners. Great opportunities for photography. Mike
