
7 Sept 2020

On a morning walk

 The last few months have been difficult, very difficult. First the lockdown and travel restrictions due to the pandemic and then secondly Val's health. Instead of two exciting overseas trips we have had none. Indeed we would have been sailing on a small riverboat up into darkest Mynmar this very week if events had not intervened.

This forced confinement to base has not been easy but at least I am in Terrigal and even in the depths of winter my early morning cliff top walk at The Haven has been enjoyable . Now it's even better as spring has really sprung. The temperature has gone up and the gardens are suddenly bursting with colour.

Due to all the gloom my enthusiasm for taking photographs has waned, despite my having bought a  new camera in early July, as there have been many, more serious things to deal with . Today I decided that it was well past time to give it an outing and I took it with me on my early morning walk. I came across a flock, or is it a gaggle, of pelicans in their usual hangout at the end of the boat ramp at The Haven waiting for an early morning fisherman to return and descale and gut their fish.

This guy, or girl, stood still just long enough for me to take one frame. It is a sizeable crop but if I had edged another cm forward it would have been off I'm sure.

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