
3 Aug 2022

New toy

 In a moment of weakness bought on by the prospect of a substantial boost to the bank balance by the sale of the Porsche I purchased a couple of new toys a few weeks ago.

 Although the last thing I actually needed was another camera I bought a Panasonic Lumix S5 and a couple of lenses including a mighty Panasonic Pro F2.8 70-200mm zoom lens. It really is a monster at 1.6kg (3.4lb) I had not intended to buy such a monster but digiDirect here in Sydney were offering it at a large discount and I could not help myself. Nonetheless the lens alone cost more than the camera body with the 20-60mm kit lens

I have not had a chance to use the new kit much so far and as I have just embarked on a major time consuming project so it will not be getting a workout for the next few weeks. In the meantime here are the first efforts from the new lens featuring, of course, Marvel and two surfers at Avoca Beach. I'm very pleased with the results. Now where can I hire a sherpa?

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