
2 Oct 2019

Home again.

 Back home after a glorious three weeks driving in N Portugal and into N Spain. Jet lagged and tired from all the travel but I don't deserve sympathy I know. The older you get the worse the jet lagged seems although strangely it hardly affects me at all on the way out.
Lots to do to get the house and particularly the garden into shape again.
I've started on the task of sorting out my photos from the trip and here's the first one showing parking Spanish style on the street in Portavedra. This driver could not find a space close to the main shopping street so he did what came naturally-he parked on the pavement, on a corner, back wheels on a pedestrian crossing and front wheels on a no parking yellow line. In mitigation he did put his hazard warning lights on. This car was parked like this for at least 40 minutes as the streets came to life after the afternoon siesta shutdown and there was not a sign of a parking infringement notice.

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