
27 Feb 2017

Nearly there

Friend Warren's Porsche 911 1977 Targa is back on the road after a two and a half year rebuild. Warren has customised the body and interior. It's his personal "Singer" car. You end up doing this if you read too many Porsche magazines.
The engine and gearbox have been totally rebuit by Autowerks in Charmhaven,NSW. Photos below.
Two weeks ago Warren and I went to Autowerks to see the engine before it went back into the car. The car passed its rego last week and is now being shaken down. We plan to go up and collect it this week. I will put up photos of the finished car hopefully later this week.
I will also be collecting-I hope- my 2.7 which arrived at Autowerks last Friday afternoon on a flat bed truck after failing to start in hot conditions in a car park in Terrigal Friday morning.  This is the first time in 16 years of ownership that the car has let me down like this. I had to use the NRMA for which I have memberships for the four family cars and they were about as useful as a chocolate teapot and it seems that my experience was not unique. No renewals coming up next year. It seems that the NRMA are just not prepared to look at even attempting any sort of rectification on a car nowadays. They basically change tyres, bring fuel when you have run out, rescue children and dogs from locked cars and jumpstart cars or sell you a replacement battery.
I have bought a lithium-ion jumpstart power pack which I will keep in a Porsche and use if I have to attempt a jumpstart again.

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