
11 Feb 2025

From Kerala

 My brother, Bob, and his wife, Sorojini, are currently in Kerala, southern India-his second visit to India in just a few months. His visit and the photos he has emailed me reminded me of my own visit to Kerala in November 2015.

That trip was great-very hospitable and friendly people, really interesting places and so many photo opportunities. 

I published some of the photos from that trip at the time here on the blog but reviewing the Kerala folder today I've found quite a few which have not been published before and which really should have been included in the Kerala story at that time.

Here they are-all taken with my Leica X Vario. Enjoy.

Teacher and pupil

In class

Manpower -in the Spice Market

Spice Market trader

Keralan Uber

Waiting for the bus


1 comment:

  1. Lovely! Continue digging into that archive John.
