
5 Oct 2020

Lorikeet madness


Lorikeets are very colourful, small parrots which just love eating grevillea flower pollen. They cannot get enough of it and as soon as spring arrives and the grevilleas flower the lorikeets arrive to feast on them. The lorikeets are around all year but spring has to be their favourite time of year.

They are most active and very noisy at first light and in the evening although some keep feeding all day. They climb in the trees and hang on as the branches swing in the wind. Some get so high on the sugar that they fly off straight into the glass around the pool. There is an ominous bang but miraculously in twelve years I have only found two dead lorikeets on the driveway and one dead lorikeet in the pool. Usually they just dust themselves down and start all over again.

Photo above taken today with a Fuji X-E2 -my special purpose camera-fitted with Fuji's bargain basement XC 50-230mm lens at 230mm. I did a fair bit of post processing on it. The photo was taken from my deck just a few metres away from the tree.

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