
5 Jun 2019

Back up and running again

After a great but exhausting three week trip to Copenhagen, Stockholm and Berlin I am back and ready to revive the Rolling Road. In the last 12 months the blog and its format have become tired I am evaluating moving it to another platform and updating its look and feel .
In the interim I will continue to post stories here and I will start with one of the photos I from the trip. I took just my now vintage Leica X1 because it is small and easy to carry. That was a wise decision. I managed to test the camera's crash resistance by dropping it from a reasonable height onto a wooden hotel floor. It landed baseplate first and much to my surprise and delight appears to have suffered no damage.
As a tourist visiting capital cities which are full of tourists and tourist sights it is difficult to avoid taking generic tourist photos and to take original photos . I tried hard but I fear that I was not always succesful.
The first photo is of the Little Mermaid statue on the waterfront in Copenhagen. This the ultimate tourist shot -in this case taken from a boat. The Little Mermaid is, as you can see, correctly described as little. I first saw it when visiting Copenhagen in 1973 and I could not understand what all the fuss was about. I am even more bemused today. People come out by the coachload to see that ? I designate the Copenhagen Little Mermaid as the world's most overrated tourist sight. Sorry, Copenhageners you have a beautiful city but lay off the Little Mermaid.

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