
1 Oct 2015

A micro micro brewery

I was in Morpeth, NSW this morning and whilst walking down the main street I stuck my head into the doorway of the Commercial Hotel to look up Dave Allen in the Morpeth Brewery and Beer Co.Now by definition a micro brewery is small but Dave's micro brewery really is micro.It occupies a very small tiled room right by one of the entrances into the hotel. I should explain for overseas readers that in Australia a hotel is like an English pub-a drinking establishment but with accommodation.Dave is the owner and brewer of the brewery.
The Commercial Hotel is a very attractive old building and if I had remembered to take a photo I could have put it on the blog.
 Dave seems a very genial fellow who hails from British Columbia,Canada.I first had a chat with him about three years ago when he was setting up his brewery.Well he is still going strong and talking about moving to bigger premises.
I have never had an opportunity to taste his beers because I have always been in Morpeth too early in the day but I am sure they are good.He supplies the Commercial Hotel where he is located and a few other local outlets.
Dave and his micro micro brewery and even his scooter/delivery truck with its BRWRY number plate are wonderfully idiosyncratic-such a contrast to Big Brewing and their tasteless slop which they misleadingly claim is beer.
Micro breweries are at last making inroads in Australia although they still hold only a tiny share of the total beer market.
Next time I go to Morpeth I will make sure that I taste some of Dave's product.Cheers.
Oh,I nearly forgot to mention that Morpeth is a very attractive small town with a wonderful wooden bridge just off the main street.It was once a major river port and some grand old buildings on the main street reflect its past glory.I did at least manage to get a photo of the bridge.

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