
1 Aug 2013

Porsche pieces and ponderings

The great thing about classic early Porsches is that there are just about the right number in the world.If there were too few-like early Ferraris and Maseratis and Aston Martins -then they really would not be even remotely affordable and parts would be difficult to find and hideously expensive and specialist repairers would be very few and far between.On the other hand if there were too many of them-like MGBs-then the cachet would be lost.
Yes there are probably the right number around and amazingly there seems to be a steady trickle reappearing from the back of barns and storage units where they have been hibernating for years.The sad part is those which were scrapped 20-30 years ago when they were not economic to repair or worst still those which were cut and modified to "update" them.Now many of these are being restored and "backdated".It's a strange world.
Some very atmospheric photos of what I believe is now a defunct Porsche specialist in Paris from Scott Ferrier who is a Porsche enthusiast formerly living in Paris and currently residing in Melbourne but about to call Detroit home.
Shots like this are always very evocative.I am sure that other marques have similar places which stir their enthusiast's emotions but Porsches are so unique and individual and the parts are so obviously Porsche.And when you see the photos you look for the rare items-like those driving lights- and you start mentally thinking about how you could use them on a project or what is the story behind the neglected cars.And how about the ignition key in the lock in the interior shot-as if there is a chance that it  will start at the turn of that key.

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