
29 May 2024

More SL2

 Two more photos from the new SL2 toy. 

Firstly a photo taken last week of a drift log on the beach at Maitland Bay in the Bouddi NP. I walked there from Putty Beach.The weather was perfect for walking but I found the 12.8km round trip very arduous. It was not the distance -it was the very steep climbs up and down with the hundreds of steps. I ached for days afterwards. Carrying the heavyweight SL2 did not help. It was a good thing that I only took the 16-35mm lens.

The second photo was taken with the 24-70mm zoom lens on a Porsche mates breakfast drive last Monday. I joined them with the Mini CooperS-which was named an honorary Porsche for the morning..The irony is that the Mini was the fastest car in the line up.

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