
8 Jan 2021

Mo and Phoebe

 It's been a few weeks since I put up a cat photo so here are two. Firstly above, Mo, a very classy cat on a very classy chair. 

 Mo is solid muscle. I when I picked him up and I was surprised at his weight for his slim build. Mo is one very fit cat. 

In my first version of this photo I cropped it very tight to just Mo and a small part of the back of the chair so Mo was much more prominent but it works a lot better in this wider angle shot.

I have entered this photo into an I-Shot-It cat photo competition and I hope Mo may be in with a chance but you can never tell with photo competitions.

Now in total contrast below a photo of Phoebe, my grand old lady, taken on my iPhone as she was transported in for a hospital visit to see Val a few weeks ago. She was annoyed at not being let out of her carrying cage for a while and she put on her angry face.

 Currently she has a bladder infection and I am having to give her an antibiotic tablet twice a day for ten days. Today was the first day and it did not go well. I saw that angry face again. 

Poor Phoebe is shrinking away. In total contrast to Mo Phoebe looks big but she is all fur and under the fur there is very little body. When I pick her up she feels very light but she is still eating well and although she is finding jumping up onto chairs difficult she is doing very well for her very advanced years. However I fear that the inevitable is not too distant. I will be very distressed when I lose her but she has been an extraordinary cat and friend and I have been so fortunate that she has lived for so long.

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