
18 Jun 2020

Classic road trip

Back this afternoon from a 3 day matesgrüppe Porsche road 1200km trip up the coast and into New England. Fifth year of the trip-same route and accommodation as past years-if it ain't broke don't fix it. Unlike last year the weather was kind to us -cold but brilliant sunshine. Old Porsches love cold, dense air and the heater works well.
Superb driving and a great time was had by all. We flogged the cars and they all performed superbly. Mine gathered a few more stone chips including two on the windscreen. No worries-it's not a garage queen, it's a driver.
The 240kms of the Oxley Highway from Walcha to Wauchope is one of the great driving roads of Australia and there was almost no other traffic. For very long stretches we were totally on our own. The 48km continuous winding section through the gumtree forest down the mountain to Long Flat is truly awesome with bend after bend and sheer drops off the edge into the forest with long stretches without a guard rail. Best not to think about it.
Photo above of my car taken off Uralla -Walcha road in New England high country. The country still looks brown but plenty of water in the dams and creeks and sheep and cattle are back on the pastures.
Photo below the three cars somewhere between Clarence and the Bucketts Way on our way up north on the first day.

1 comment:

  1. Blimey a year already - I remember that 48 klm epic section with great fondness.... one of the best drives ive had in my car.
