
23 Oct 2019

People from my travels

The great thing about travelling for me is the people I meet along the way. Often we are able to chat because fortunately so many Europeans are able to speak English. Often they speak so well that I am truly embarassed. Telling people that I am Australian is always a great conversation starter .
On the recent trip to Portugal and Spain I meet many friendly locals and some interesting tourists particular when I was on the Camino route to Santiago de Compostela.
Here is a selection of the people photos from the journey.

Four friends sharing a coat on a surprisingly cool early morning in Lisbon.

The proprietor of the Madeira Store, Lisbon.

Sitting in the afternoon sun, Flor Da Rosa, Portugal.

"Not sure that the hat suits you". Market, Barcelos, Portugal.

Portevedra,Spain. The ham was superb. She gave me a few pieces to try. Nice lady.

Old friends passing the time, Portevedra,Spain.

Prawns, market  Portevedra.

Garlic seller, Portevedra.

Pilgrims at journey's end, in the cathedral square Santiago de Compostela

Nun photograhing the cathedral entrance, Santiago de Compostela.

German pilgrims, Santiago de Compostelo.

Market, Santiago de Compostelo.
All photos taken with my Leica Q

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