
2 Jan 2017


My brother, Bob, lives near Norwich in the UK- Lotus car territory. Bob was once a bigger motor sport enthusiast than me. At one point he was also a very keen car modeller and scratch built very detailed models to race on slot tracks.
Over the years his interest in motor sport ebbed away and he turned to classical music and he has published a very highly regarded classical music blog for many years.
Although Bob's enthusiasm has diminished the car/motor sport genes were passed onto his son James who is a major player in a leading high tech motor sport equipment supplier BF1 Systems see BF1 Systems.
Yesterday Bob must have been sorting through his archives and he found a programme from the 1965 Guards Trophy at Brands Hatch. Nothing remarkable about an old motor sport programme- I threw all mine away in a move many years ago- but in this case Bob had collected an absolute blue-chip set of driver's autographs-and that makes this programme very special.
I cannot remember attending that meeting and it would have been unusual for me to have missed it but I may well have been away somewhere else that weekend. Whatever he did a brilliant job of collecting the autographs and those were the days when such a list of the very best drivers turned out for a sports car race and made themselves accessible to a 16 year old fan. It would have been absolutely impossible to do today.
Thanks for sending this great momento Bob.

Can you identify all the autographs?

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