
2 Aug 2015

Photos from a Sunday drive

Some photos from today's run up into the Blue Mountains W of Sydney with the Classic Porsche group.Good roads, good weather and good company.As always some very nice cars- mostly regulars but a newcomer, a longnose Targa, attracted a lot of attention.A thin showing of 356s-just one today.
My car was suffering from a very slight misfire at low revs -probably due to a fouled plug when I set out .An "Italian tune" at high revs on the motorway on the way down failed to clear it but I came home via Wisemans Ferry and gave it a serious thrash on the long,winding and totally traffic free stretch up and over Mangrove Mountain and it seems to have cleared now.It was as 308 km round trip for me and even I was "over" corners by the time I got home.I am sure the tyres and brakes on my car felt the same way.My travels were nothing compared with the white convertible crew who drove down from Taree this morning just for the drive- arriving 5 mins before we set out. For readers overseas who don't know where Taree is - it's a very long way from where we set out in Hornsby.That's enthusiasm for you.
My favourite camera -the Leica X1-has been at the Leica Australia service agent for four weeks as the battery retaining clip broke.It came back this week cleaned,adjusted and repaired and it seems to be working better than ever.

1 comment:

  1. Some nice "rear end" shots there John....


    Geoff Lane.
