
22 Mar 2013

What's going on ?

In the northern hemisphere climate change sceptics are having a field day as Europe and  N America experience unseasonably cold conditions.They should come down here to the southern hemisphere where the N Island of New Zealand is experiencing a severe drought
(almost unknown in wet ,cool NZ) and Australia has had the hottest summer on record and it is still very hot with temps here in NSW forecast to be well into the 30's (over 94ºF) over the weekend.

The completely barmy climate change denier,British Lord Monckton,(below)has been visiting Australia on a private speaking tour funded by loony right wingers associated with the mining industry.I hope that he enjoyed the hot weather.

Patrick sent me the first two great photos below of very wintry scenes in Brussels and Namur ,Belgium last week and daughter,Lisa sent the third picture down of her garden in Montreal yesterday.

It's not only the humans who are feeling the effects of this prolonged hot humid weather down here.Himalayans just want to be cool -- and who can blame them with coats as thick as theirs.Zoe sought the cool of a shoe cupboard this morning.

I am not really into car display days preferring to drive my cars not polish them but back in November there was Porsche breakfast prior to a German Car Day up in Newcastle about 75kms north of here and I took my 1971 2.2.Unfortunately it turned into an impossibly hot day and the journey home was hell although the traffic was light.Old Porsches are hot enough but a 38ºc day in an old Porsche is something else and I nearly needed a saline drip by the time I got home and the car was getting very "fussy" and the oil temperature gauge was slowly climbing.

Now this coming Sunday there is a big German Car Day in Earlwood down in Sydney and I spent a lot of time this week cleaning and polishing the 2.2 so that I could join the Porsche club display .I learnt last night that the temperature is forecast to be 34ºC on Sunday.No way am I taking the 2.2 right across Sydney in that heat.In traffic it will become very hot and bothered and inevitably it will lose the idle.Not fun.So I spent this aftenoon scraping  the dead bugs from last week's run off the 2.7 and polishing it so that I can go in airconditioned comfort and equally importantly the fuel injection on the 2.7 is better behaved than the Webers on the 2.2 when it gets very hot.A disappointment as the 2.2 is such a great looking (and driving) car but I am very fortunate to have the choice.
The 2.7 has factory aircon and after a complete rebuild of the system 4 years ago it works very well.Pity that the 2.7 is a 3 metre car -- ie best viewed from 3 metres distance where all the chips and dents are not so visible.But it is very original.And a great colour.And it drives very well.
The scene this afternoon is below

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