
30 Jan 2012


Leica X-1. DNG file converted in Lightroom .Sunday 29th January .Zoe is a 12 year old Himalayan who likes to hide in her beer carton "house" in our main living area. Photographing Himalayans close up is difficult as their fine fur confuses the autofocus on all the cameras I have used including the X-1.I could have manually focussed but I lay prone on the ground looking into the beer carton and set the camera to single point macro autofocus and focussed on the tip of her nose. There was very little light so it shot wide open at f 2.8. I took 10 shots and discarded them all except this one .
It's 12 months since I purchased the Leica X-1.It is a flawed camera with a beautiful lens and sensor. It has taken me 12 months to really become familiar with it and it frustrates me still but it has produced some of the best photos I have ever taken in 50 years of taking photos so I have to pronounce myself an X-1 fan. Maybe the X-2 is on the way and that will build on the X-1's strengths and also correct its glaring deficiencies.Let's hope I can afford it if it does .

1 comment:

  1. Lovely shot!

    Nice site, all over! My camera, that compares quite well with the X-1, is my NEX-5N, with a Zeiss 1.8/24 (plus a few Pentax primes (and adapter) and the hard to find electronic viewfinder.

    Amazing combination, for a budget price!
