31 Oct 2011
29 Oct 2011
I'm not turning this into a nature blog but I could not resist putting up this photo .I was watering the front garden this morning and this beautiful, big, bluetongue lizard appeared on the wall .It obviously was not hungry as it ignored the ants very close by which was a pity as I wanted to see its blue tongue .Fortunately it stayed still long enough for me to run indoors to get my Canon G9 .
26 Oct 2011
Detailing my cars is not my strong point . I prefer driving them to polishing them . My "concourse" efforts at cleaning would not get me into the public car park at Pebble Beach yet alone onto the lawns . However next Sunday it is the NSW Porsche Club Display Day and the 2.2 is entered in the "Wash and Polish "section so I have been making an effort -- with Meguairs wonderful Tech Wax 2.0 .It certainly isn't cheap but it is worth the money .After all this effort the weather gods had better be in a good mood.
25 Oct 2011
23 Oct 2011
22 Oct 2011
By local standards it's been a long winter in NSW -dull ,colder than usual and with plenty of rain . But suddenly it changed and whilst less than two weeks ago it was wet and miserable today it was actually warm enough to use the pool which really felt comfortable ( thanks to solar heating).From the above to below in less than 14 days .
21 Oct 2011
The Leica X1 may not be the easiest compact camera to live with and its silly price combined with the lack of a zoom lens and slow operation mean that it has very limited appeal but its image quality is superb .
Image of my grandaughter ,Poppy .A "grabbed" shot by natural light .No post processing except cropping.