
26 Jan 2015

Happy Australia Day

It's January 26th.Australia Day.Australia's national day.Happy Australia Day to all Aussies wherever you are.It would have been nice to tell you that it is a beautiful sunny hot day here but after a long vey hot spell today is cool ,overcast and wet.It's a relief from the heat and humidity but it could have waited one more day.
It would also have been nice to include a good photo taken today - I took one of the flag on our house but it is pretty gloomy-see below.I was out early this morning trying to find a suitable photo opportunity and there was no one around.Perhaps they were all sleeping in relieved to get a cool night's sleep at last.
Anyway an Aussie photo from way back.Taken at the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney on my Leica M6 and Ektachrome film.
And to those of you reading this from other countries yes it is the British Union Jack on our flag and yes it is odd and it's time we had a purely Austraian flag.Maybe it will happen in my lifetime but most definitely not whilst we have the current right wing government.

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